Tribute (2005-2009)
The Tribute paintings reference experiences I shared with my father. He was a long time Boy Scout leader and my brothers and I were all scouts. Square knots and fleurs de lis are familiar scout symbols and I employed transitions between the two to create this series. Repeated and layered, these personal motifs become universal images: fields of light and color whose energy is uplifting and profound. My intention is to create a viewing experience that is calming yet energizing, stimulating and meditative.
Many of the pieces in this series were painted on wood because my father was a woodworker and my earliest lessons about the importance of tools and materials came from him.
"TTIV," 2006, acrylic on rag board, 32" x 52." Private collection
"Tribute," 2006, acrylic on birch plywood, 40" x 60." Collection of the York County Substance Abuse Treatment Center, York, PA
"Blue Tribute," 2007, acrylic on birch plywood, 32" x 48." Collection of York County Substance Abuse Treatment Center, York, PA
"Stella D'Oro," 2007, acrylic on birch plywood, 40" x 60." Private collection, Princeton, NJ
"Early Spring," 2007, acrylic on birch plywood, 40" x 60." Private collection
"Aurora," 2007, acrylic on canvas, 48" x 96."
"Mist," 2008, acrylic on canvas, 48" x 56." Collection of Lancaster General Health Penn Medicine, Lancaster, PA
"Final Tribute," 2009, acrylic on canvas, 24" x 48." Collection of the State Museum of Pennsylvania Harrisburg, PA. Gift of Ann B. Barshinger